Banco Pastor participe au "Espirito Santo Investment IBERIAN EVENT" le 17 janvier à Madrid. La société sera représentée par Mme. Susana Quintás, Membre du Comité exécutif et Directrice de la Planification stratégique.
Née en 1776, Banco Pastor, est aujourd'hui le septième groupe bancaire en Espagne, en termes d'actifs (plus de 20 milliards d'euros). Actuellement, Banco Pastor poursuit son plan stratégique (2006-2008) dont les buts, entre autres, sont d'arriver à dupliquer le bénéfice net du groupe, avec 240 millions d'euros, pour la fin 2008, et de multiplier par deux le paiement des dividendes.
Banco Pastor is a financial institution that drives in the relationship with its clients, making them the centre of every strategy and activity. Pastor has almost 600 branches all over Spain and eight more in Europe, Latin America and the USA, all of them dedicated to service the clients promptly and efficiently. Through this network and the subsidiary companies that integrate the group (insurance companies, fund management companies, etc) Pastor offers all kind of retail and corporate financial services.
From 2002 to 2005 Pastor Group successfully implemented a strategic plan which doubled the balance sheet through organic, profitable, secured and diversified growth. In these 3 years, the Bank has seen an outstanding transformation in terms of geographical exposure, size, efficiency and profitability.
For further information, please contact:
José Luis Castro Cortizo
Director of Investor Relations
Telephone No. (+34) 981-127.418. Fax: (+34) 981-127.433
E-mail: [email protected]