La progression des principaux chiffres traduit la consolidation de la stratégie d'internationalisation et de diversification du groupe.
Le chiffre d'affaires affiche une augmentation de 75 % pour atteindre 3 335 milliards d'euros, avec une contribution de 1 241 de la part de Sanef.
L'EBITDA est de 2 099 milliards d'euros (+74 %).
Le résultat net comparable – sans tenir compte de l'effet de la réduction de l'impôt sur les sociétés et les résultats non récurrents en 2005 – affiche une augmentation de 572 milliards d'euros (+22 %).
La variation nette de la trésorerie est en hausse de 48 %, avec 1 221 milliards d'euros.
L'investissement atteint 3 590 milliards d'euros, dont la plupart est destinée à des projets d'élargissement dans touts ses secteurs d'activité (en France, Espagne, Italie et Grande Bretagne).
Traffic on abertis' Spanish toll road network grew 5.2% with revenues up 9.2%.
Outstanding performance from Abertis Telecom with revenues up 31%, due to the launch of DTT in Spain, offering 20 five multiplex channels which will be available to 85% of the population by July 2007.
The application of the new Corporate Income Tax regime will see tax rates reduced to 32.5% in 2007 and 30% as of 2008 vs. 35% at present. This will have a positive impact of €200 Mn over the next five years even though it had a negative effect of €42 Mn in 2006 due to the effects of changing over from Spanish GAAP to IFRS and the recording of tax credits at 35%.
48% of abertis' revenues were generated abroad (18% in FY05) whilst EBITDA from international operations stood at 43% (11% in FY05).
2006 was a very positive year for all the abertis group's business areas, reflects its strategy of internationalisation, diversification and selective growth:
In the toll roads division, the acquisition of sanef was finalised in February 2006, traffic volumes rose 5.2% in Spain and 3.4% in the entire abertis network including sanef (+1.2% and +3.9% in 4Q06) and GCO in Argentina (+10.1%).
Internationalisation of abertis telecom, with the announcement in December of the acquisition of 32% of the satellite operator Eutelsat –this was formalised in January 2007-, and the company played a key role in the rollout of Digital Terrestrial Television (DTT) in Spain.
In the airports business, passenger numbers rose 4% to over 22 million for the entire abertis airports network; TBI was fully consolidated and investment was earmarked to increase capacity at its main airports.
Sustained international growth in the car parks business. saba's presence in Italy increased and contracts for various projects in Spain were awarded such as the first car park concession in Pamplona.
In the logistics infrastructure business, highlights included the internationalisation of abertis logística, following the announcement in July of a new logistics platform in Portugal and the growth of its platforms in Álava and Seville.
The abertis board of directors has resolved to propose not only the traditional 1x20 bonus share issue at the forthcoming General Shareholders' Meeting on 16 April, but also the payment of a final gross dividend for 2006 of €0.25 per share bringing the total dividend for 2006 to €0.50 per share (5% higher than the amount paid in 2005).
The whole information available in the enclosed document.
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