Bons chiffres au premier trimestre pour Abertis. Faits marquants : l'augmentation significative du trafic aux péages, la hausse du marché aéroportuaire, le déploiement de la télévision numérique terrestre, de nouveaux contrats dans la division télécommunications et l'impact de l'expansion de Saba.
. Revenu d'exploitation de 802 millions d'euros (+12 %).
. EBITDA de 507 millions d'euros (+14 %).
. Flux de trésorerie net en hausse de 15 %, à 312 millions d'euros.
. Bénéfice net de 123 millions d'euros (+35.3 %).
. 1 177 millions d'euros ont été investis au premier trimestre. Les investissements en hausse reflètent la hausse soutenue du périmètre de consolidation du groupe : 1 138 millions d'euros, dont 1 076 pour l'acquisition de 32 % d'Eutelsat.
- abertis' main financial indicators for 1Q07 reflect robust and steady growth across the board in its five core business lines. It is significant the increase in traffic on the group's toll road network, particularly sanef (+4.9%), and the positive performance of the airport business:
- Traffic on abertis' Spanish toll road network grew 7%, with revenues up 11%. The network as a whole ‑including sanef and GCO- posted a rise of 5.8%, with revenue growth of 11%.
- abertis telecom performed well, reporting revenues of €95Mn, due largely to the on-going roll-out of DTT and new contracts signed with national radiobroadcasters. Eutelsalt, the satellite operator, Eutelsat of which abertis telecom acquired a 32.2% stake in January 2007, is accounted for by the equity method.
- abertis airports also posted strong growth: revenues +16%, EBITDA +22% and passenger numbers +9.2%.
- Revenues at saba rose 18%, mainly due to business expansion in Spain and Italy. The number of parking spaces increased by 6% and vehicle rotation was up 9% at 12.6 million vehicles.
- abertis logística reported revenue growth of 11%, in a quarter characterised by stronger activity in all its logistics parks and the announcement of a new logistics platform in Santiago de Chile, in addition to the platform in Lisbon already announced in 2006.
- 48% of group revenues and 44% of EBITDA were generated outside of Spain. France is abertis' second most important market, accounting for 37% of revenues and 39% of EBITDA.
For further information please see full document.
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