Résultats du premier semestre 2007
Parquesol a réalisé un bénéfice de 28,3 millions d'euros au premier semestre 2007, en hausse de 6 %
Madrid, le 23 juillet 2007.- Parquesol, société immobilière détenue à 55,09 % par le groupe San José, avec 30 ans d'expérience dans le secteur de l'immobilier en Espagne, au Portugal, en France et en Pologne, a réalisé un bénéfice de 28,3 millions d'euros au premier semestre 2007, en hausse de 6 %
Le chiffre d'affaires s'élève à 99,4 millions d'euros au premier semestre avec un bénéfice net de 28,3 millions d'euros
Au cours de ce semestre ressort une augmentation du volume des ventes de terrains générant 39,6 millions d'euros contre 28,9 à la même période l'an dernier, ainsi qu'une augmentation significative des revenus dans l'activité de location de 13 % générant 10 millions d'euros contre 8,8 millions d'euros au premier semestre l'an dernier.
In line with the current sector slowdown, residential development saw its rate of sales ease to €44.7 million in the period. Revenues are expected to recover in the second half-year, however, thanks to larger forecast deliveries of homes.
In percentages, 45% of first-half revenues billed were from residential development, 10% from rental income, 40% land sales and, lastly, 5% asset divestments.
Turning to significant operations, the Company paid a total of €42 million in the period for land purchases (primary residences and second homes) and development of its own projects (office rentals).
In addition for 2007, without including possible corporate operations in the integration of Parquesol and the San José Group, there are no changes in the €84 million and €125 million investments in land and property respectively, as established in the plan presented at the time of the public offering.
On 16 July, Parquesol distributed €16.2 million in dividends, or a gross €0.4078 per share, as adopted by the Ordinary General Shareholders' Meeting held on 26 June.
Parquesol is currently being integrated with the San José Group: the new strategic plan shall be unveiled to both the investment community and media as soon as possible. According to Jacinto Rey, the Chairman, this corporate operation shall forge a new Group that is "more diversified, larger, better suited to undertake big projects and successfully able to weather more challenging periods".
For further information on this press release:
Pilar Fernández. Head of Communication.
Tel: + 34 91 799 49 90. Fax: + 34 91 799 49 97.
Mail: [email protected]