La 4ème génération de système embarqué dote les entreprises de gestion de parc de véhicules de fonctions de localisation de portée mondiale, de calcul d'itinéraires et de contrôle d'efficacité.
Columbia, Md, le 8 octobre 2007 – Applied Data Systems, fournisseur leader de systèmes embarqués et filiale du Groupe Eurotech annonce aujourd'hui avoir remporté un contrat de plus de 3 millions de dollars américains avec Cadec Global, fournisseur des entreprises de gestion de parc de véhicules. Cadec, client de longue date de Applied Data Systems, utilise un système embarqué basé sur le PXA 270 développé par Applied Data Systems dans son tout récent ordinateur de bord PowerVue.
Cadec's fleet management solutions measure driver performance, monitor critical safety and compliance aspects, optimize fuel consumption and accelerate delivery times. The company is renowned for its open and extensible platform, which can be easily customized to solve the most vexing fleet management challenges. Its new PowerVue product combines the most advanced onboard computer system with a web-based, enterprise-class data management application. This enables PowerVue to translate vast amounts of fleet data collected from each vehicle into actionable information that can be leveraged throughout the supply chain.
"Cadec PowerVue is the fourth-generation product co-developed with Applied Data, and provides our customers with significant technological improvements in processing power, data collection, GPS and wireless communications," said Dan Principe, vice president of hardware engineering for Cadec Global. "Because we started working with Applied Data Systems back in 1999, we can confidently launch new evolutions of our product line based on their embedded systems. We count on the close customer support, technology expertise and lifecycle management that Applied Data is known for, and rely on them to help us bring our products to market quickly."
"Cadec exemplifies a company on the leading edge in the transportation industry," Robert Olsen, president of Applied Data Systems, commented. "Their integration of data collection, analysis and communication abilities in their PowerVue hardware, along with the monitoring services they offer, brings customers a wealth of information that helps them drive the most efficient operations possible."
Applied Data Systems, a six-time winner of the Independent Hardware Vendor Excellence Award from Microsoft, is also a Gold-level Microsoft Windows Embedded Partner.
Eurotech (ETH.MI) is a company active in the research, development, production and marketing of miniaturised computers (NanoPCs) and of computers featuring high-performance computing capability (HPCs).
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