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Enìa rencontrera les investisseurs institutionnels à " l'European Midcap Event " à Londres
Parme, le 28 novembre 2007 - Enìa, société multi-services cotée sur le marché Mercato Telematico Azionario de la Bourse italienne depuis le 10 juillet dernier, organise une nouvelle rencontre avec des investisseurs. Le Directeur Financier Massimiliano Masi et le Directeur des Relations Investisseurs Giulio Domma rencontreront les investisseurs institutionnels lors du " European Midcap Event " qui se déroulera les 5 et 6 décembre.
Enìa est une société multi-services (gaz, eau, gestion des déchets et chauffage urbain) au service de 1 190 000 personnes dans les provinces de Parme, Piacenza et Reggio Emilia.
Enìa SpA provides gas distribution services in 70 municipalities, managing a network of approximately 5,500km. The Company also carries out electricity distribution, whilst through its subsidiary, Enìa Energia, the Group sells electricity to more than 123,000 customers and natural gas to over 416,000 customers, having extended its operations to include the province of Modena. In the remote heating sector, Enìa provides approximately 44% of all the remote heating supplied in Emilia Romagna, making the Group one of Italy's largest suppliers.
In the water sector, Enìa supplies water collection, distribution and treatment services. Thanks to its 11,011km-long water network and 803 treatment plants, using biological systems and imhoff tanks, Enìa is able to serve more than 401,000 customers, selling 85.8 million cubic metres of drinking water.
Enìa provides waste management services on a daily basis in 110 municipalities in the provinces of Parma, Piacenza and Reggio Emilia, disposing of over 879,000 tonnes of refuse through 2 waste to energy plants, 2 dumps and 122 fully equipped recycling sites.
Enìa reported revenue of E1,226 million in 2006, representing an increase of 15.3% on the E1,063.2 million of the previous year, whilst EBITDA of E143.2 million was up 2.9% on the E139.2 million of 2005 and profit attributable to shareholders of the Parent Company, totalling E27.1 million, was up 37.7% on the previous year.
Enìa SpA
Press Office
Selina Xerra
tel. 0521.1919.910
cell. 335.7723476
[email protected]Image Building Srl
Pauline de Fazi, Federica Tommasini
[email protected]Copyright Hugin