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Toulouse, December 14th 2007 - The IGE+XAO Group announces that:
Turnover for the first quarter of 2007/2008 (in IFRS norms)
A promising first quarter
| Euros | Fiscal | | Changes|
| 2007/2008 | 2006/2007| | |
| First quarter turnover (from 1st. August 2007 to 31st. October 2007)| 4,539,436| 4,309,447| 5.3%|
Over the first quarter of 2007-2008, IGE+XAO has shown a 5.3% increase in turnover compared with 2.6% and 1.6% for 2006-2007 and 2005-2006 respectively. This growth is all the more significant because the 1st quarter is usually characterized by a negative seasonal variation (annual close-out in August).
This favourable turnover development is accompanied by strong dynamism, both technically and commercially. Thus, the Product Lifecycle Management solutions (PLM) for the electrical facilities dedicated to aeronautics and space, to which IGE+XAO devoted almost 50% of its R&D resources in the last five years, have experienced a significant evolution. Indeed, after first closing a commercial contract with Eurocopter in 2005, the IGE+XAO Group finalized a second contract in December 2007 (this operation occurred after the end of the first quarter) of almost 800,000 Euros with a first-rank aeronautical manufacturer. The efforts expended in this way should lead to new medium-term growing contracts.
At a financial level, the IGE+XAO objective is to continue with its plan aiming towards the growth of turnover, while preserving a high profitability, which achieved 11.8% in 2006-2007.
Finally, and according to the policy set up by IGE+XAO, the board of directors reminds us that it will propose to the Annual General Meeting in January 2008 the payment of a dividend of 0.22 E per share, compared to 0.20 E the year before.
For over 21 years, the IGE+XAO Group has been a software publisher designing, producing, selling and ensuring the maintenance of a range of Computer-Aided Design (CAD) software. These Electrical CAD software applications have been designed to help manufacturers design and maintain the electrical section of any installation. IGE+XAO has built a complete range of Electrical CAD software applications designed for all industry fields. IGE+XAO products may either run on a stand-alone computer or be deployed on a network. The IGE+XAO Group has about 340 employees spread out in 20 locations and 13 countries. With more than 48,500 licenses sold throughout the world, IGE+XAO is a reference in its domain. For more information, visit
IGE+XAO Contacts:
IGE+XAO Group, 25 Boulevard Victor Hugo - BP 90 312 - 31773 Colomiers Cedex - France
Phone: +33 (0)5 62 74 36 36 - Fax: +33 (0)5 62 74 36 37 -
Listed on NYSE Euronext - Euronext - Compartment C - ISIN FR 0000030827
Analysts/ Investors contact: Alain Di Crescenzo (Chairman of the Group): +33 (0)5 62 74 36 36Press contact: Rozenn Nerrand-Destouches: +33 (0)5 62 74 36 02
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