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Bombardier livre un avion amphibie Bombardier 415 de lutte contre l'incendie ? l'Italie

Hugin | 31/01/2008 | 09:53

Photo non contractuelle : (Copyright)

Première livraison d'une des quatre commandes d'avion de lutte contre l'incendie à l'Italie

MONTREAL, QUEBEC--(Marketwire - le 30 janvier 2008) - Bombardier Aerospace annonce que l'agence de la protection civile italienne a reçu le premier des quatre avions amphibies Bombardier 415 commandés en novembre 2007 par le gouvernement italien. Cette commande, précédemment annoncée comme étant celle d'un client non divulgué, comprenait également de l'équipement de mission spéciale pour en rehausser les capacités.

With this order, the Italian government will increase its firefighting fleet to 19 Bombardier 415 aircraft. Deliveries of the other three remaining aircraft will take place in 2008 and 2009. In 2007, during firefighting missions, the Italian fleet accumulated in excess of 6,730 flying hours and dropped more than 176,000,000 litres of water.

Since the first delivery of a Bombardier 415 amphibious aircraft in 1994, 66 have been delivered to firefighting agencies in Croatia, France, Greece, Italy, Ontario, Quebec and Spain - 41 of these aircraft currently operate in the Mediterranean region. In addition, 25 Bombardier CL-215 amphibious piston aircraft remain in service fighting fires in this region.

"The Bombardier 415 aircraft is recognized as the market leader in the aerial firefighting industry and has been repeatedly selected by Mediterranean countries such as Italy, France, Greece, Croatia and Spain. Both Croatia and Spain recently each ordered two Bombardier 415 aircraft," said Michel Bourgeois, President, Bombardier Amphibious Aircraft.

The Bombardier 415 firefighter aircraft has a maximum speed of 224 mph (359 km/h) under certain conditions. In an average mission of six nautical miles (11 kilometres) distance from water to fire, it can complete nine drops within an hour and deliver 14,589 U.S. gallons (55,233 litres) of fire suppressant.

The aircraft is also offered in a multi-purpose version, the Bombardier 415MP, which can be used in a variety of specialized missions such as search and rescue, maritime patrol and environmental protection. Currently, a Greek Bombardier 415 aircraft is equipped with the MP configuration.

About Bombardier

A world-leading manufacturer of innovative transportation solutions, from regional aircraft and business jets to rail transportation equipment, systems and services, Bombardier Inc. is a global corporation headquartered in Canada. Its revenues for the fiscal year ended Jan. 31, 2007, were $14.8 billion US, and its shares are traded on the Toronto Stock Exchange (BBD). Bombardier is listed as an index component to the Dow Jones Sustainability World and North America indexes. News and information are available at

Bombardier, Bombardier 415, Bombardier 415MP and CL-215 are trademarks of Bombardier Inc., or its subsidiaries.


Bombardier Aerospace
Marc Duchesne

Copyright Hugin


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