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All Nippon Airways : Plan Industriel 2008-2011 ? moyen terme d'ANA Group

Hugin | 31/01/2008 | 13:08

Photo non contractuelle : (Copyright)

Plan Industriel 2008-2011 à moyen terme d'ANA Group

- Innovation et globalisation pour réformer et obtenir plus de rentabilité

TOKYO, le 31 janvier 2008 - ANA annonce aujourd'hui son tout dernier plan industriel à moyen terme pour une période de quatre ans du 1er avril 2008 au 31 mars 2012. Celui-ci remplacera l'actuel plan industriel à moyen terme 2006-2009 afin de mieux refléter les réalités de l'environnement opérationnel mondial et japonais : la hausse continue des prix du pétrole, la dérégulation et la capacité d'expansion imminente des aéroports Haneda et Narita de Tokyo en 2010.

"We have made strides under our present mid-term plan," said ANA President & CEO Mineo Yamamoto. "Our fleet renewal is well under way, and we are constantly taking delivery of the newest, most economical and comfortable aircraft; we are down-gauging aircraft to improve operating efficiencies and convenience for customers; we are investing in our international operation - where we expect most growth; and we have strengthened our financial base through the sale of our hotels.

In the light of changes in our operating environment since the inception of the current Mid-Term Corporate Plan, it is time to build on the foundation we have created thus far, to be innovative and think on a more global scale if we are to achieve our corporate vision of being Asia´s Number One Airline for quality, customer satisfaction and value creation.

Being innovative means resetting our present ways of thinking to zero in order to get beyond things we take for granted in our industry, so that we can find new ways of doing business and serving our customers. It means re-thinking our organisation, improving individual productivity and outsourcing more to achieve greater efficiencies, allowing us to expand our operation without expanding our headcount. And as for global thinking, it behoves us to move our awareness to Asia -which is our home region and an area of tremendous growth - so that we can examine our global growth strategy going forward from an Asian, not just a Japanese perspective ," explained Mr Yamamoto.

For details on the Mid-Term Corporate Plan please refer to the attachment to this press release:

Rob Henderson, ANA Public Relations: [email protected]

Copyright Hugin


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