Photo non contractuelle : (Copyright)
Stezzano, le 29 avril 2008
Pour diffusion immédiate
L'Assemblée Générale annuelle de Brembo s'est tenue aujourd'hui et a décidé :
- l'approbation du rapport annuel 2007 et la distribution d'un dividende brut de 0,28 E (+ 16,7 %) ;
- l'autorisation d'acheter et de vendre des actions propres
- la nomination du Conseil d'Administration et des Commissaires aux Comptes
- la confirmation d'Alberto Bombassei au poste de Président
A la fin de l'Assemblée Générale le nouveau Conseil d'Administration s'est réuni et a décidé : la nomination de Stefano Monetini au poste de Directeur général et la constitution de comités prévus par la Gouvernance d'Entreprise.
Rapport annuel et répartition des bénéfices
Brembo Shareholders met today under the chairmanship of Alberto Bombassei at Company's offices at Stezzano (BG). They approved the Annual Report as of 31 December 2007 and the distribution of a gross dividend of E 0.28 (+16.7%) per each outstanding share. Dividend will be paid starting from 8 May 2008, detachment date is 5 May, with coupon no. 16.
2007 net consolidated revenues of Brembo Group amount to E 911.9 million, up 13.1% over previous year. Net profit amounts to E 60.9 million, up 41.7%.
The Parent Company Brembo SpA recorded a net profit of E 28.2 million that will be allocated as follows:
- E 4,763,683 to the non-distributable reserve pursuant to art. 6 c. 2 of Law 38/2005;
- to the Shareholders a gross dividend of E 0.28 per each outstanding share at the detachment date, excluding own shares;
- the balance to the extraordinary reserve.
Buy-back program
The AGM also resolved to renew the buyback plan; this will allow the Board of Directors to buy and sell during the next 18 months, up to 1,440,000 shares (deducted own shares held by the Company at the date of the AGM), at a price not lower than E 0.52 and not higher than E 15.00, for the following reasons:
a) Use of own shares for potential acquisitions and/or commercial agreements with strategic partners as part of the expansion strategy of the Group;
b) Stabilization of the share price in case of lack of liquidity on the stock market, with the aim of supporting the regular trading of Brembo shares;
c) Carrying out a possible stock-option plan in favour of the top management of the Group.
In 2007 the Company acquired 380,000 shares at a weighted average price of E 9.24; during the first months of 2008 additional 253,000 shares have been acquired, at a weighted average price of E 8.89. As of today the Company owns 633,000 own shares, equal to 0.95% of the share capital.
Appointment of Directors and Statutory Auditors
The AGM also appointed the Board of Directors and Statutory Auditors for the next three years.
The Board of Directors is made up of:
| Name and surname | List from which the candidate has been elected | Executive Director | Compliance with requisites of Art. 148 of TUF[1] | Compliance with independence requirements of Borsa Italiana Corporate Governance Code[2] |
| Alberto Bombassei (Chairman) | Nuova FourB (majority list) | X | | |
| Cristina Bombassei | Nuova FourB (majority list) | X | | |
| Matteo Tiraboschi | Nuova FourB (majority list) | X | | |
| Stefano Monetini | Nuova FourB (majority list) | X | | |
| Giancarlo Dallera | Nuova FourB (majority list) | | X | X |
| Giovanni Cavallini | Nuova FourB (majority list) | | X | X |
| Pasquale Pistorio | Nuova FourB (majority list) | | X | X |
| Pierfrancesco Saviotti | Nuova FourB (majority list) | | X | X |
| Umberto Nicodano | Nuova FourB (majority list) | | X | |
| Giovanna Dossena | Nuova FourB (majority list) | | X | |
| Giuseppe Roma | Nuova FourB (majority list) | | X | X |
[1] If the BoD is composed of more than 7 members, at least two of them should satisfy the independence requirements established in Article 148(3) of Legislative Decree no. 58 of 24 February 1998.
[2] Pursuant to the Instructions accompanying the Rules for the Markets organised and managed by Borsa Italiana STAR companies with BoD composed of 9 to 14 members, at least three of them should satisfy the independence requirements established by the Corporate Governance Code issued by Borsa Italiana
The Board of Statutory Auditors is made up of:
| Name and surname | List from which the candidate has been elected | Office |
| Sergio Pivato | Nuova FourB (majority list) | Chairman |
| Enrico Colombo | Nuova FourB (majority list) | Auditor |
| Daniela Salvioni | Nuova FourB (majority list) | Auditor |
| Mario Tagliaferri | Nuova FourB (majority list) | Alternate Auditor |
| Gerardo Gibellini | Nuova FourB (majority list) | Alternate Auditor |
The documentation certifying the acceptance of the nomination, possession of the requirements under the law and curriculum vitae of Directors and Auditors are available at the registered office of the Company and at Borsa Italiana.
The BoD met after the AGM appointed Stefan Monetini as Managing Director
Furthermore, the following Committees pursuant to the law and to the Corporate Governance Code were formed:
Remuneration Committee: Umberto Nicodano (Chairman) - Giovanni Cavallini - Pierfrancesco Saviotti
Audit Committee: Giuseppe Roma (Chairman) - Giancarlo Dallera - Giovanna Dossena
Executive Director for supervising the functionality of the internal control system: Cristina Bombassei
Lead Independent Director: Pasquale Pistorio
Supervisory Committee: Giovanna Dossena (Chairman) - Giuseppe Roma - Giancarlo Dallera - Alessandra Ramorino (Preposto al Controllo Interno)
Executive responsible for the preparation of the company's accounting documents: Corrado Orsi
Economic, Environmental and Intangible Value Report
During the Shareholders' Meeting, the 2007 Economic, Environmental and Intangible Value Report was presented to the shareholders, which supplements the Annual Report and represents a further tool for evaluating the potential growth and profit of the company, in order to give even more complete and transparent information.
The report provides an analytic picture of the company's intellectual capital, its innovation capability, the development of its know-how and of its relationship with customers, together with detailed information concerning socially relevant behaviours, such as workplace safety and environment respect.
The Company reminds that the Q1 2008 financial results are expected to be approved on May 14th.
The manager responsible for preparing the company's financial reports Corrado Orsi declares, pursuant to paragraph 2 of Article 154-bis of the Consolidated Law of Finance, that the accounting information contained in this press release corresponds to the document results, books and accounting records.
For further information:
| Investor Relations : | Media Relations: |
| Orsi Corrado Tel. +39 035 605 2884 | De Marchi Gianfranco Tel. +39 035 605 2576 |
| Vavassori Roberto Tel. +39 035 605 2223 | Muratori Francesca Tel. +39 035 6052277 |
| e-mail : [email protected] | e-mail : [email protected] |
| Internet website: | |
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