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Nouveau Conseil d'Administration à l'association espagnole des relations investisseurs
- Ignacio Cuenca (Iberdrola) en est le président, Ángel Santodomingo (Banco Santander) et Carlos López (Sol Meliá) sont vice-présidents
Madrid, le 25 février 2009. L'association espagnole des relations investisseurs (AERI) a élu à l'unanimité son nouveau Conseil d'Administration, qui représente différentes sociétés de différentes tailles au sein de l'association et dont l'objectif est de continuer à renforcer la dynamique de l'association et aider ses membres à enrichir leur activité de relations investisseurs.
The Board is comprised of:
- Chairman: Ignacio Cuenca (Iberdrola)
- Vice-chairman: Ángel Santodomingo (Banco Santander)
- Vice-chairman: Carlos López (Sol Meliá)
- Treasurer: Carlos Ruiz-Garma (Realia)
- Secretary: Carlos Cortina (Banesto)
- Ordinary members:
o Elena Baillo (Iberia)
o Mario Sacedo (Renta 4)
o Antonio Triguero (Mapfre)
o Maria Victoria Zingoni (Repsol YPF)
o David de la Roz (Abertis)
The new Board is also looking to encourage interaction and communication among members since the Society's purpose is, and particularly in the current economic and market climate, to help members improve their investor relations and implement the best possible practices.
Another one of the Society's priorities is improving its institutional relations, both within Spain and internationally, as well as improving its expertise in new areas like fixed income, sustainability and relations with minority shareholders.
The Spanish Investor Relations Society was founded 18 years ago and currently has close to 50 members, representing over 80% of the total capitalisation of the Spanish stock market. It was set up as a non-profit organisation in 1991 with the goal of helping its members to promote and improve the Investor Relations of Spanish listed companies, promoting activities targeted at member training, event and conference organisation, implementation of best international Investor Relations practices, as well as the exchange of experience and know-how in the field.
For further information:
AERI: Javier Rodríguez Vega /
[email protected]Tel. +34 91 345 87 96
Grupo Inforpress: María Luisa Ocaña / Susana Graupera
[email protected] /
[email protected]Tel. +34 91 564 07 25
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