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Bourse en ligne avec trader workstation, rubrique : Livre - Librairie en ligne
       McGraw-Hill Trade
       Prix : 10 à 60 Euros
       par Oliver Velez, Greg Capra
       Categorie : Day Trading
       expédié sous
       24 Heures

Day Trading

Tools and Tactics for the Master Day Trader

Librairie en ligne | Livre de bourse | Theme : Day Trading

Over 30,000 online investors daily flock to, the top-rated Website run by day trading legends Oliver Velez and Greg Capra, for up-to-the-minute strategies and market commentaries. In Tools and Tactics for the Master Day Trader, Velez and Capra revisit and completely update over 100 of their daily commentaries from the past four years, with new material explaining what worked, what didn't, and why.

<h4>Book Description
Over 30,000 online investors daily flock to, the top-rated Website run by day trading legends Oliver Velez and Greg Capra, for up-to-the-minute strategies and market commentaries. In Tools and Tactics for the Master Day Trader, Velez and Capra revisit and completely update over 100 of their daily commentaries from the past four years, with new material explaining what worked, what didn't, and why.

This no-nonsense, easy read, meant to be referenced by traders every trading day, covers everything from potent trading strategies to intuitive insights on psychology and discipline. Proving once again that the best teacher is experience, Tools and Tactics for the Master Day Trader will help any trader log on with the technical skills, market knowledge, and confidence they need to capture more winning trades, and reap new profits.

JA Majors Book Info

Provides weapons needed to become a confident, self-empowered, and successful day trader. Contains the nuts-and-bolts techniques needed to master the market. Includes market timing, charting, trade management, and much more. Takes a behind the scenes look at today's day traders and how they manage day-in, day-out challenges.

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Techniques-Driven Tips of the Day Trading Pros­­Direct from the Experts of Pristine.Com!

Today's stock market gives smart, aggressive day traders more opportunities for profit opportunities than at any time in history. Never before has trading wealth been so achievable for the well-prepared day trader...and so elusive to the ill prepared.

Tools and Tactics for the Master Day Trader provides the weapons you need to become a confident, self-empowered, successful day trader. Oliver Velez and Greg Capra­­the online trading pioneers behind, today's most insightful and innovative day trading Website­­give you the nets-and-bolts techniques you need to master the market, including:

-Market Timing­­S&P futures, NYSE Tick Indicator ($TICK), NYSE Trader's Index (TRIN), New Lows (NLs)
-Charting­­Tails, Gaps, Retracements, Moving Averages, NArrow Range Bar (NRB)
-Trade Management­­Initial Stop, Break-Even Stop, Trailing Stop, Time Stop

Day Trading is one of today's most demanding, unforgiving ENDeavors. It can also be one of the most lucrative. Let Tools and Tactics for the Master Day Trader take you behind the scenes, and show you how today's top day traders arm themselves­­both psychologically and intellectually­­for the day-in, day-out challenges of a limitless day trading career.

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Techniques-Driven Tips of the Day Trading Pros­­Direct from the Experts of Pristine.Com!

Today's stock market gives smart, aggressive day traders more opportunities for profit opportunities than at any time in history. Never before has trading wealth been so achievable for the well-prepared day trader...and so elusive to the ill prepared.

Tools and Tactics for the Master Day Trader provides the weapons you need to become a confident, self-empowered, successful day trader. Oliver Velez and Greg Capra­­the online trading pioneers behind, today's most insightful and innovative day trading Website­­give you the nets-and-bolts techniques you need to master the market, including:

* Market Timing­­S&P futures, NYSE Tick Indicator ($TICK), NYSE Trader's Index (TRIN), New Lows (NLs)
* Charting­­Tails, Gaps, Retracements, Moving Averages, NArrow Range Bar (NRB)
* Trade Management­­Initial Stop, Break-Even Stop, Trailing Stop, Time Stop

Day Trading is one of today's most demanding, unforgiving endeavors. It can also be one of the most lucrative. Let Tools and Tactics for the Master Day Trader take you behind the scenes, and show you how today's top day traders arm themselves­­both psychologically and intellectually­­for the day-in, day-out challenges of a limitless day trading career.

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