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Bourse en ligne avec trader workstation, rubrique : Livre - Librairie en ligne
       John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
       Prix : 10 à 60 Euros
       par Perry J. Kaufman
       Categorie : Systèmes et Méthodes
       expédié sous
       24 Heures

Systèmes et Méthodes

Trading Systems and Methods

Librairie en ligne | Livre de bourse | Theme : Systèmes et Méthodes

Trading Systems and Methods est le livre de référence pour le trader ou l'analyste financier qui désire créer et choisir avec succès ces systèmes de trading. 720 pages de développement pour convertir les plus septiques à l'analyse technique.

<h4>1: Introduction
*Technical versus Fundamental * Professional and Amateur * Random Walk * Background Material * Research Skills * Objectives of this Book * Profile of a Trading System * A Word on Notation Used in this Book

2: Basic Concepts
*About Data and Averaging * On the Average * Distribution * Dispersion and Skewness * Standardizing Returns and Risk * The Index * Probability * Supply and Demand

3: Regression Analysis
* Characteristics of the Price Data * Linear Correlation * Nonlinear Approximations for Two Variables * Second-Order Least Squares * Evaluation of 2-Variable Techniques * Multivariate Approximations * ARIMA * Linear Regression Model

4: Trend Calculations

* Forecasting and Following * Least-Squares Model * The Moving Average * Geometric Moving Averages * Drop-Off Effect * Exponential Smoothing * Relating Exponential Smoothing and Standard Moving Averages

5: Trend Systems
* Basic Buy and Sell Signals * Bands and Channels * Applications of Single Trends * Comparison of Major Trend Systems * Techniques Using Two Trendlines * Comprehensive Studies * Selecting the Right Moving Average * Moving Average Sequences: Signal Progression * Living with a Trend-Following Philosophy

6: Momentum and Oscillators
Momentum * Oscillators * Double-Smoothed Momentum * Adding Volume to Momentum * Velocity and Acceleration * Other Rate –of-Change Indicators * Momentum Divergence * Momentum Smoothing * Some Final Comments on Momentum

7: Seasonality

*A Consistent Factor * The Seasonal Pattern * Popular Methods for Calculating Seasonality * Weather Sensitivity * Seasonal Filters * Common Sense and Seasonality

8: Cycle Analysis
*Cycle Basics * Uncovering the Cycle * Maximum Entropy * Cycle Channel Index * Phasing

9: Charting
* Finding Consistent Patterns * Interpreting the Bar Chart * Chart Formations * Tops and Bottoms * Gaps * Key Reverasal Days * Episodic Patterns * Price Objectives for Bar Charting * Candlestick Charts * Using the Bar Chart

10: Volume, Open Interest, and Breadth

* Contract Volume vs. Total Volume * Variations from the Normal Patterns * Standard Interpretation * Volume Indicators * Interpreting Volume Systematially * An Integrated Probability Model * Intraday Volume Patterns * Filtering Low Volume * Market Facilitation Index * Sources of Information

11: Point-and-Figure Charting
* Plotting Prices * Chart Formations * Box Size * Problem of Risk * Trading Techniques * Price Objctives * Study in Point-and-Figures Optimization

12: Charting Systems
Swing Trading * Wiliam Dunnigan and the Thrust Method * Nofri’s Congestion-Phase system * Outside Days with an Outside Close * Action and Reaction * Channel Breakout * Moving Channels * Combining Techiques * Complex Patterns

13: Spreads and Arbitrages

* Spread and Arbitrage Relationships * Arbitrage * Changing Spread Relationships * Carrying Charges * Technical Analysis of Spreads * Volatility and Spread Ratios * Leverage in Spreads

14: Behavioral Techniques
* Measuring the News * Event Trading * Commitment of Traders Report * Opinion and Contrary Opinion * Fibonacci and Human Behavior * Elliott’s Wave Principle AND MUCH MORE]

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