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Bourse en ligne avec trader workstation, rubrique : Livre - Librairie en ligne
       John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
       Prix : 10 à 60 Euros
       par Perry J. Kaufman
       Categorie : Systèmes et Méthodes
       expédié sous
       24 Heures

Systèmes et Méthodes

Trading Systems and Methods

Librairie en ligne | Livre de bourse | Theme : Systèmes et Méthodes

Trading Systems and Methods est le livre de référence pour le trader ou l'analyste financier qui désire créer et choisir avec succès ces systèmes de trading. 720 pages de développement pour convertir les plus septiques à l'analyse technique.

<h4>From the book cover: For more than two decades, futures traders have turned to the classic Trading Systems and Methods for complete information about the latest, most successful indicators, programs, algorithms, and systems. Now, this newly revised and expanded Third Edition continues that tradition, including many new approaches and covering the latest developments in the continuously evolving equipment and techniques for trading futures markets.

Perry J. Kaufman, a leading futures expert highly respected for his years of experience in research and trading, has thoroughly rewritten and updated his bestselling guide, which remains the most comprehensive and instructional book on trading systems today. This detailed, hands-on manual offers a thorough analysis, using a systematic approach and including explanations of each method of calculation or operation. Kaufman explores both the good and bad features of each trading techniques, explaining why a trading system or method works or doesn’t work, how to select features that fit the trader’s needs best, and how to test a system to achieve a sound trading program.

Since the early –70s, Kaufman has been devoted to futures research, with a particular emphasis on computer applications. He includes computer programs and spreadsheet code to implement each system and method, in addition to the mathematics involved. Where other books fall short, Kaufman’s reference makes it possible for traders and analysts to program the systems themselves, changing the programs as they see fit and applying the techniques to their own styles and trading tools.

Trading Systems and Methods continues to be the single best resource fore the trader or market analyst who wants to create or choose a successful trading system.

Perry J. Kaufman is a leading technical expert in futures markets. Renowned for his mathematical skills and insight, Kaufman has developed significant theories in the area of price forecasting. As a principal of Man-Drapeau Research, Pte. Ltd. (Singapore), he is actively involved in the practical analysis needed to support an international investment management firm. Throughout the past 20 years, Kaufman has helped to foster the education of research analysts and investors, publishing books and writing articles for Technical Analysis of Stocks & Commodities, Futures Industry, and Futures magazine. He has participated in the Dow Jones-Telerate Seminars world tours, professional conferences, academic programs, and has been an occasional guest on CNBC.

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